15 years of 26/11: How Mumbai terror attacks changed India’s security infrastructure

If the 9/11 attacks woke up the West to the threat of global terrorism, the 26/11 attacks on Mumbai forced it to acknowledge and focus on India’s security concerns vis-à-vis its neighbourhood. It also exposed India’s under-preparedness in combating asymmetric warfare of such scale.
15 years of 26/11: How Mumbai terror attacks changed India’s security infrastructure comes via ChinaTechNews.com.
15 years of 26/11: How Mumbai terror attacks changed India’s security infrastructure

If the 9/11 attacks woke up the West to the threat of global terrorism, the 26/11 attacks on Mumbai forced it to acknowledge and focus on India’s security concerns vis-à-vis its neighbourhood. It also exposed India’s under-preparedness in combating asymmetric warfare of such scale.
15 years of 26/11: How Mumbai terror attacks changed India’s security infrastructure comes via ChinaTechNews.com.