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Supporters of jailed writer Yang Hengjun and other Australians jailed in China vow to continue fighting after Cheng Lei's release
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Supporters of imprisoned academic Yang Hengjun are vowing to renew their push for his freedom after the long-awaited release of Australian journalist Cheng Lei from jail in China.

Key points: Writer Yang Hengjun was sentenced for espionage in 2021 but has yet to receive a verdict

Writer Yang Hengjun was sentenced for espionage in 2021 but has yet to receive a verdict Details surrounding released journalist Cheng Lei's case remain unclear

Details surrounding released journalist Cheng Lei's case remain unclear Other Australians are still being detained in China

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced on Wednesday that Ms Lei had returned to her children and family in Melbourne after being detained for more than three years in Beijing.

Supporters of jailed writer Yang Hengjun and other Australians jailed in China vow to continue fighting after Cheng Lei's release comes via

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