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Stanford’s settlement with Justice Department shows how deep China has its claws in our universities
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Last week, the Department of Justice announced a settlement agreement with Stanford University relating to Stanford’s failure to disclose foreign financial involvement in its research programs.

Even as it was forced into this settlement, Stanford was nonetheless successfully applying for significant federal research grants from the Departments of the Army, Navy, Air Force, NASA and the National Science Foundation.

Stanford’s settlement with Justice Department shows how deep China has its claws in our universities comes via

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Stanford’s settlement with Justice Department shows how deep China has its claws in our universities
Aggregated Source:

Last week, the Department of Justice announced a settlement agreement with Stanford University relating to Stanford’s failure to disclose foreign financial involvement in its research programs.

Even as it was forced into this settlement, Stanford was nonetheless successfully applying for significant federal research grants from the Departments of the Army, Navy, Air Force, NASA and the National Science Foundation.

Stanford’s settlement with Justice Department shows how deep China has its claws in our universities comes via

Original URL: Click here to visit original article