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Aggregated China Business Blogs
(Mail Online) China harvests masses of data on Western targets from Twitter and Facebook, documents show
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The new software will allow the Chinese state to 'better understand the underground network of anti-China personnel'. It will also help inform leaders of trends that undermine state interests. .. Full story on

Ginger cats may have a reputation for being clever, but they’re still small and don/t possess opposable thumbs, which is why they have to train humans to be…

Police are now appealing to anyone who witnessed the incident

LUIS ORTIZ returns to the ring in a big heavyweight fight with fellow contender Charles Martin on New Year’s Day…

The urban explorer has visited Woolton Hall a number of times

THIS former Bayern Munich and Real Madrid ace looks amazing for 47.

(Mail Online) China harvests masses of data on Western targets from Twitter and Facebook, documents show comes via

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