Vladimiro Ivanovo (VŽ) nuotr.
Taiwan intends to set up a working group of semiconductor experts in Lithuania to offer its expertise, train engineers and help attract investment in the field of semiconductors to Lithuania, Taiwanese media reported this weekend.
Eric Huang, Head of the Taiwanese Representation in Lithuania, confirmed this message to the Taiwan News portal.
“Taiwan is known around the world for its fully developed semiconductor ecosystem and talent, and today we are ready to share our experience with Lithuania,” Huang told Taiwan News .
Asked if Taiwan would help Lithuania build a semiconductor plant, he said several options were being considered.
“Next year, we will start offering training programs in Lithuania, which will be part of the cooperation in the field of (semiconductor – VU) industry,” said the head of the Taiwanese representative office.
According to E. Huang, the cooperation between Lithuania and Taiwan will be extremely beneficial for both sides, and as an example of such benefits, he pointed out Lithuania’s leadership in the field of laser production.
VŽ reminds that during the warming of bilateral relations, a Taiwanese trade delegation visited Lithuania in the autumn. They visited famous Lithuanian laser companies, but after the visits, VŽ said that it was so far more like a nice gesture and knitting contacts.
At that time, the opening of a Taiwanese representative office in Lithuania was announced in November. Vilnius’ rapprochement with Taiwan is causing a particularly bad reaction in China, with Communist Party media threatening sanctions, and Valdis Dombrovskis, commissar for trade, told German newspaper Die Welt last week that Chinese customs may not be processing goods from the European Union (EU). if they contain parts made in Lithuania.
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Taiwan will set up a working group of semiconductor experts in Lithuania comes via ChinaTechNews.com.