The most important part of electric vehicles is the battery, which is expensive to replace especially outside the maintenance period. Recently, a Finnish Tesla Model S owner decided to blow up the car because the maintenance fee was too expensive.
Tuomas Katainen is the owner of the 2013 Tesla Model S. Because the car broke down after 1,500 kilometers of driving, the entire battery pack needs to be replaced in order to repair it. Since the maintenance period has passed, it costs 20,000 Euros. He thinks that such maintenance costs are too expensive, and angrily told the car factory to directly count the blow up.
He later gave the car to Pommijätkät, a local blasting enthusiast group, who strapped 30 kilograms of explosives to the body and detonated it in an abandoned quarry. There was also a doll with Elon Musk’s head in the driver’s seat when it was detonated. After the explosion, the team cleaned up the debris. When asked about his feelings, Yuan car owner said that blasting brings more fun than driving a Tesla. If he chooses to blast or a normal Tesla, he may still choose to blast.
Source: Gizmodo
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The owner of the Finnish Tesla S decided to blow up the car because of the high maintenance costs: it’s better than driving-Hong Kong unwire.hk comes via ChinaTechNews.com.