China Business Blog - Aggregated China Business Blogs
Aggregated China Business Blogs

New research looks at how the world’s largest sovereign creditor lends.

Ecommerce giant also faces increased competition from Pinduoduo and

Beijing’s game of sectoral whack-a-mole means investors must expect limits on share valuations

China Money Network's DealShot provides detailed information on venture capital and private equity deals in China on a daily basis. Here you can find out where Chinese investors have been investing their money each workday.
DealShot: 20 Deals Ecl…

Vaccinated citizens infected by latest outbreak but expert insists Chinese-made jabs are effective

Online games branded ‘spiritual opium’ in Beijing’s latest assault on tech and its social impact

Surge in returns follows commitments made by Xi Jinping to achieve net zero emissions by 2060

Chinese AI unicorn 4Paradigm prepares for IPO in Hong Kong Chinese artificial intelligence platform and technical service provider 4Paradigm has recently launched the IPO process in Hong Kong. As early as the series C+ round of financing in April 2020,…

Regulators should be more worried by too much buying of its stocks and bonds than by too little

Plus, Square’s $29bn bet on ‘buy now pay later’, Monzo’s regulatory woes and the hedge fund driving up fintech valuations