China Business Blog - Aggregated China Business Blogs
Aggregated China Business Blogs

Metal up 70% since last March despite forecasts that supply will continue to exceed demand

China Money Network's DealShot provides detailed information on venture capital and private equity deals in China on a daily basis. Here you can find out where Chinese investors have been investing their money each workday.
DealShot: 15 Deals Rea…

Investors rush to cash in on potentially the world’s biggest e-cigarette market

War bonds; Pdfs; Model 3s; and much more.

Group will travel to Shenzhen as rollout of inoculation programme in city is delayed

California, USA, January 22, 2021 / – AAXA Technologies Inc, a leader in the pico projector industry, combines the latest Osram LEDs, Texas Instrument’s DLP imager technology, and a massive 54 watt lithium ion battery to produce a projector capable of delivering 1000 LED lumens on battery power. The AAXA P6X can deliver amazing 160”… Read More

The press release AAXA Technologies introduces the World’s Brightest Battery Powered Pico Projector comes from press release distribution and journalist media database service in China.

Likely failure to meet terms of ‘phase one’ agreement poses challenge to Biden team

Renminbi’s future strength depends on cooling of US trade tensions and health of dollar

Cambricon's 7nm AI training chip Siyuan 290 and Xuansi 1000 accelerator officially unveiled Cambricon's Siyuan 290 smart chip and accelerator card, and Xuansi 1000 smart accelerator were officially unveiled after mass production. The Siyuan…

In 2020, Tencent accelerated investments in gaming assets. During the year, it made 33 investments. In the last two months of 2020, it rushed to ink 14 deals with domestic game manufacturers, covering two-dimensional, leisure and tower defense game mak…