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Molex Adds Sealed Versions, Additional Plating Options to its Compact Mini50 Connector System
Aggregated Source: China Newswire

Hong Kong, China, October 9, 2017 / - Molex has added three new terminals plus the Mini50 sealed connector following the launch of its highly popular Mini50 Wire-to-Board Connector System. Designated as TAK50 terminal, CTX50 unsealed gold terminal, and CTX50 sealed terminal, these new terminals enable vehicle manufacturers to take advantage of miniaturized interconnect systems in both interior (unsealed) and exterior (sealed) applications.

“Manufacturers are adding more electronic features to their vehicles in areas such as infotainment and safety. This extra functionality is driving Molex to extend the available devices within the space saving Mini50 series”, said Jeremy Stout, group product manager, Molex. “With the sealed variants especially, device manufacturers can now take advantage of the compact form to enable the ever growing range of exterior features that their customers are demanding.”

The new Mini50 sealed connector features a rounded shape for through hole harness routing and a vertical independent secondary lock (ISL) that is shipped pre-assembled, thus reducing the number of individual components. Approximately 50% smaller than the USCAR 0.64mm interfaces, the 0.5mm automotive approved Mini50 connector system’s range addresses a growing demand from vehicle manufacturers for smaller components solutions due to the growth in on board electronics and installation space restrictions. The new models also provide reduced overall harness weight savings by allowing wire-harness customers to crimp and process smaller wire gauges versus traditional 0.64mm terminal systems.

Ideal for applications such as infotainment and body control lighting modules, the new TAK50 terminal from Molex features a two beam design and is AK blade and cavity compatible. Environmentally tested and validated to GMW3191 (2012) with temperature ratings of 85#186;C to 105#186;C and LV214 (2010) featuring 105#186;C and 130#186;C, the TAK50 terminal accepts 0.13mm#178; to 0.35mm#178; cables.

Offering superior performance over equivalent competitor products in areas such as contact engage and disengage force, crimp interface and current rating, the TAK50 terminal benefits from a pin alignment feature for connection accuracy and an anti-stub feature. The new variant can also be used in areas around the vehicle that require interconnects that are able to cope with high vibration.

The CTX50 unsealed female terminals are now available with a gold option for low current, safety, and high mating cycle applications. They are also ideal for deployment in corrosive environments. Accepting cable sizes of 0.13mm#178; to 0.35mm#178;, CTX50 gold terminals, as compared to 0.64mm alternatives, deliver the benefit of weight and space savings, better conductivity, lower insertion force, and are more resistant to oxidization.

Molex has also developed a sealed variant, namely the CTX50 sealed, IP68 without optional back shell and IP69 with optional back shell, for use in exterior vehicle electronic systems that are liable to encounter moisture. Available in either tin or silver plating, the new terminal accepts 0.95 to 1.4mm#178; diameter cables. The polarization of the cable is achieved by terminal shape, thus maintaining seal integrity and the service and/or probe holes are distinct from the mating pin hole to ensure the risk of accidental insertion is minimized.

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