The debate over China debt shows that passive investing does not exist
Looming start of bond trading link will rival in significance the equities index inclusion
The division with developed markets is fraying as quality of oversight takes precedence
The Pax Americana of the last half-century is on life support, but liberalism and multilateralism are not dead yet. An inclusive and mutually beneficial global system can still be resuscitated, if we begin to think differently about where the centers o…
Security tightens on network braved by people fleeing the world’s most oppressive regime
Social media group needs to find other ways to boost growth and margins
A unit of Chinese conglomerate Fosun Group has led a series A financing round in Westwell Lab, a Shanghai-based artificial …
Visit for more daily finance news, including audio and video Internet podcasts covering important investment news and financial events in China. Follow us on Twitter @chinamoneypod subscribe to all episodes on iTunes.
The Chinese adage that the tall blade of grass gets cut first is definitely true this week, as China's top …
Companies respond to market turmoil after bank regulator moves to curb leverage

Mobike is in the process of acquiring a smaller peer, Xiamen city-based UniBike, for an undisclosed amount of money; the …
Visit for more daily finance news, including audio and video Internet podcasts covering important investment news and financial events in China. Follow us on Twitter @chinamoneypod subscribe to all episodes on iTunes.

Sina Inc.-backed Weibo, China's equivalent of Twitter, and AcFun, a venture-backed video sharing platform, are among companies being required by …
Visit for more daily finance news, including audio and video Internet podcasts covering important investment news and financial events in China. Follow us on Twitter @chinamoneypod subscribe to all episodes on iTunes.

DCM Ventures has led a US$10 million series A round in Duocaitou, a Chinese crowdfunding platform focused on hotel and …
Visit for more daily finance news, including audio and video Internet podcasts covering important investment news and financial events in China. Follow us on Twitter @chinamoneypod subscribe to all episodes on iTunes.
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