The country’s politicians, lenders and businesses eye opportunities for growth and greater geopolitical influence
Links with China as Taipei left with only 20 allies worldwide
When it comes to the Middle East, it is no surprise that political leaders, diplomats, and the donor and humanitarian community typically focus on the here and now. Yet we must not lose sight of the future – especially when regional trends are conspiring to bring further turmoil and conflict.
City government relents after tightening measures fuel middle-class anger
Nineteen staff set to stand trial in case that dents casino group’s offshore ambitions
Hong Kong, China, June 13, 2017 / – Now that the Dragon Boat Festival has passed, adults and children can enjoy a variety of outdoor activities in the upcoming summer season. Our eyes can get used to light of various intensities. If we are exposed to strong sunlight for a long time, not only will… Read More

Chinese investment banking group China International Capital Co., Ltd. (CICC) has led a RMB500 million (US$73 million) series B round …
Visit for more daily finance news, including audio and video Internet podcasts covering important investment news and financial events in China. Follow us on Twitter @chinamoneypod subscribe to all episodes on iTunes.
Taipei left with only 20 allies after defection by central American state

Chinese smartphone maker OPPO Electronics Corp. and investment firm Huiyou Capital have led a RMB150 million (US$22 million) funding round …
Visit for more daily finance news, including audio and video Internet podcasts covering important investment news and financial events in China. Follow us on Twitter @chinamoneypod subscribe to all episodes on iTunes.

Chinese Internet giant Tencent Holdings Ltd. has led a US$145.5 million C round financing in Futu Securities, an online brokerage …
Visit for more daily finance news, including audio and video Internet podcasts covering important investment news and financial events in China. Follow us on Twitter @chinamoneypod subscribe to all episodes on iTunes.

Chinese venture firm China Growth Capital has led a US$15 million series B financing round in PingCAP, a Beijing-based start-up …
Visit for more daily finance news, including audio and video Internet podcasts covering important investment news and financial events in China. Follow us on Twitter @chinamoneypod subscribe to all episodes on iTunes.
Villagers return home after struggling with lack of jobs in new urban apartments

The Chinese government's tightening noose on illegal Internet content has found its latest victim: LeEco. LeEco's cloud disk service announced …