Scope for sharp depreciation limited by risk of destabilising the financial system
Company faces significant challenges from weakening demand and slowing 4G user growth
Leading online travel agent has got even stronger via aggressive service expansion

Alibaba's ecosystem comprises China's biggest Internet marketplace, and it's again in the crosshairs of United States Trade Representative Michael Froman. …

'Tis the season for pink slips and cost-cutting, and PC behemoth Lenovo is putting coal in the stockings of its …

Tendence Capital, a Chinese venture fund established by an ex-director at Intel Capital's China unit, has led a series A …
Visit for more daily finance news, including audio and video Internet podcasts covering important investment news and financial events in China. Follow us on Twitter @chinamoneypod subscribe to all episodes on iTunes.
Beijing seeks deals with western powers to enable return of corruption suspects
Trade-weighted stability since June feeds talk of a policy reversal by Beijing

International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, and Chinese investment firm All-Stars Investment Ltd. have led …
Visit for more daily finance news, including audio and video Internet podcasts covering important investment news and financial events in China. Follow us on Twitter @chinamoneypod subscribe to all episodes on iTunes.
Blow to government efforts to turn the country into a world-beating GMO power

Chinese investment firm Puji Capital has made a strategic investment into aXiomatic, an eSports ownership and management group led by …
Visit for more daily finance news, including audio and video Internet podcasts covering important investment news and financial events in China. Follow us on Twitter @chinamoneypod subscribe to all episodes on iTunes.
The year 2016 is coming to an end with Middle East tensions rising and populists making gains in Europe and the US. After a turbulent year, with little positive news in international politics, 2017 is shaping up to be a year full of challenges and unce…