China Business Blog - Aggregated China Business Blogs
Aggregated China Business Blogs

Defence ministry announces construction of 50,000-tonne carrier that can host its J-15 fighter

As 2015 draws to a close, new steps – albeit small and tentative – have been taken toward ending the war in Syria. Turkey, whose proximity to Syria generates both challenges and opportunities, could play an especially significant role in shaping how the peace process plays out.

Swiss private banking firm Julius Baer Group Ltd. and China's Sina Corporation have agreed to invest US$22.9 million in total in Shanghai-based wealth management firm Jupai Holdings Ltd., according to an announcement. Subsidiaries of Julius Baer and Sina will each subscribe to 9.59 million and 2.88 million ordinary shares of Jupai at US$1.83 per share, […]

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Beijing-based P2P (peer-to-peer) lending start-up Weijinsuo has completed a RMB300 million (US$46 million) series A round of financing led by HNA Capital Group Co., Ltd., the financial services arm of Chinese conglomerate HNA Group, according to an announcement (in Chinese). Founded in 2013, Weijinsuo currently has 700,000 registered users and has completed aggregate transaction value […]

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Beijing-based fresh produce e-commerce start-up Benlai Life has received US$30 million series C round of investment from a subsidiary of Joyoung Co., Ltd., a Chinese kitchen and home appliance maker, according to a disclosure document (in Chinese). After the completion of the investment, Joyoung will hold 3.82% of Benlai Life, which indicates that the round […]

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China's wearable device market scale reached CNY12.58 billion in 2015, representing a high growth rate of 471.8%. The China Academy of Information and Communication Technology Research of MIIT published its latest report on wearable devices and said growth will continue. According to Min Dong, director general of technology and standard research of CAICT, China's wearable […]

Tale of contentious investment has broader geopolitical overtones