Qatar may be tiny, but it is having a major impact across the Arab world. By propping up violent jihadists in the Middle East, North Africa, and beyond, while supporting the US in its fight against them, this gas-rich speck of a country has transformed…
Some entrepreneurs leave Europe for fresh opportunities in China
Chinese private equity SAIF Partners has invested US$13 million in Indian jewellery retail chain Senco Gold Ltd., according to a company announcement. Other details of the deal were not disclosed. SAIF Partners, with over US$3.5 billion under management, is receiving a minority stake of one of the largest jewellery retail chains from India's eastern regions […]
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Venture-backed Chinese multi-brand apparel group Shanghai La Chapelle Fashion Co., Ltd. has completed an IPO in Hong Kong yesterday, raising a total of HK$1.7 billion (US$220 million) by offering 121.58 million ordinary shares at HK$13.98. The float priced at the bottom range of its indicative offering price of HK$13.98 to HK18.20 apiece. Investors in the […]
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Hangzhou-based Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holdings Ltd. has invested US$50 million in U.S. app maker Peel, according to media reports. Alibaba, which just completed the world's largest IPO last month raising US$25 billion on the New York Stock Exchange, previously invested US$5 million last year in one of the start-up's four previous venture funding […]
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China International Capital Corporation (CICC) has appointed Dr. Liang Hong, currently head of its research department, as the chief economist of CICC, according to a company announcement. Liang joined CICC in 2008, with many years of experience in macroeconomic research. She joined CICC from Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C., where she served as the managing director, […]
Visit for more daily finance news, including audio and video Internet podcasts covering important investment news and financial events in China. Follow us on Twitter @chinamoneypod subscribe to all episodes on iTunes.
Visitors in territory for Golden Week complain of disturbance to shopping
Aid is Beijing’s largest response to an overseas humanitarian crisis
Commissioner wants peace deal before he steps down this month
Ukraine crisis overshadows meeting of Chinese and German leaders in Berlin
Electoral reform is required if the pro-democracy protests are to end