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Aggregated China Business Blogs
China's Infamous 'One-Child Policy' Is About To Become A 'Two-Child Policy'
Aggregated Source: China Challenges

Business Insider reports:

"According to the  21st Business Herald which cited sources  close to the National Population and Family Planning Commission, China may  significantly relax its one-child policy at end-2013 or early-2014 by allowing  families to have two children if at least one parent is from a one-child  family," writes BofA Merrill Lynch economist Ting Lu in a note to clients. "A  plan for allowing all families to have two children after 2015 is also being  reviewed. We believe the news to be reliable and is in line with our  view."

Deutsche Bank economist  Jun Ma says a transition to a "two-child policy" would be something of a  long-term stimulus package.

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