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New tech, upgrades in mobile industry
Aggregated Source: Shanghai Daily: Business

SHANGHAI residents will have access to a faster mobile network, upgraded Wi-Fi frequency, handset-based wallets and an intelligent transport system offered by the three domestic telecommunication carriers.

China Mobile, the world's biggest telco, will announce the latest 4G network development and services in Shanghai today, World's Telecommunications Day.

The 4G network allows users to access the Internet 20 to 50 times faster compared with current 3G services. Shanghai is one of the major cities for China Mobile to first test and adopt the 4G network nationwide.

Shanghai is also ready to unveil an upgraded local Wi-Fi network which is equipped with improved frequency so that more capacity is offered to allow for more Wi-Fi services, the Shanghai Radio Administration Bureau said yesterday.

Meanwhile, China Unicom has upgraded the local 3G network to advanced HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Packet Access), which provides bandwidth of 21 megabytes per second, 10 times faster than the current network.

The telcos have launched services to facilitate smart transport, such as Wi-Fi on buses and quick response (QR) codes for tracking real-time bus schedules. The QR codes have been introduced at some local bus stops on trial to allow passengers to check the expected arrival time of buses so that they can plan their commute.

China Unicom, the country's second biggest telco, has launched smartphones with NFC (near field communications) function to promote mobile payments such as buying beverages and pay bus or metro tickets.

In the fixed-line sector, China Telecom has improved broadband speed by 10 times in the past two years.

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