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Aggregated China Business Blogs
China: The Jobs Report
Aggregated Source: China Challenges

WSJ reports:

A survey of 4,200 mainland employers by human resources consultancy Manpower Group found that the percentage planning to take on more workers in the second
quarter was up. The net employment outlook – the difference between the
percentage of firms planning to take on more workers and the percentage planning
to reduce their work force — rose to 18, up from 14 in the first quarter.

Darryl Green, President of Manpower, said the company was also seeing a
pronounced increase in demand for workers through their own China operations –
which help to place management professionals. “It fell off a cliff in the middle
of last year. There was a pick up at the start of 2013, and after Chinese New
Year things are popping,” he said.

A survey of more than 24,000 employers by – a leading Chinese recruitment website – points in a similar direction. The survey found that in the market for experienced workers, 62.4% of firms were planning to increase hiring in the first quarter,
compared to 59.7% in the fourth quarter of 2012. Demand for workers with no
experience was also on the rise.

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